
Can CBD Oil Helps in Neuropathy?


Can CBD Oil Helps in Neuropathy?

The endocannabinoid system is capable of controlling, and often suppressing pain within the human body. The endocannabinoid system natural motions enzymes throughout the body until they attach themselves to neurotransmitters. Once the enzymes are connected to the neurotransmitters, signals are sent to the brain that helps to reduce the effects of physical pain or psychological trauma.

As a natural remedy derived from hemp plants, cannabidiol (CBD) oil is capable of treating symptoms of physical and mental disorders. CBD has been known to help minimize the debilitating effects of old age in seniors, and it also helps people with neurodegeneration disorders cope with chronic pain and anxiety.

There exists a close relationship between CBD oil and the endocannabinoid system. How do the two co-exist? Let’s look into that.

What is neuropathy?

Millions and millions of nerves help influence physical sensations within the human body. Neuropathy is a term describing when one or more of those nerves is damaged or no longer functioning as they should. Physicians are able to diagnose the symptoms of neuropathy in patients who experience numbness or muscle weakness in their hands, feet, and other parts of the body.

Neuropathic pain can be a very intense feeling. Muscle weakness leads to deterioration that subjects the body to sharp, painful sensations, resulting in conditions like arthritis. The end result is a vastly diminished quality of life due to intense inflammatory pain.

Neuropathic pain control is the body’s way of dealing with symptoms of neuropathy, and the endocannabinoid system has been identified by scientists as a neurotransmitter system that can help to manage neuropathic pain. The neurons and immune cells that comprise the endocannabinoid system relieve the physical agony in select areas of the body.

How to use CBD oil for Neuropathy?

CBD oil is an anti-inflammatory remedy that helps heal nerves within the body. CBD has helped several patients with diabetes live more fulfilling, pain-free lives.

Inflammatory conditions like diabetes that cause nerve or tissue damage are combated by the endocannabinoid system. Endocannabinoids attach themselves to neurotransmitters that, in turn, help to treat or prevent the intense physical pain caused by inflammatory symptoms.

However, there are times when the endocannabinoid system struggles to produce enough endocannabinoids to suppress physical pain. CBD oil is chemically similar to the body’s natural endocannabinoids. As a natural remedy, CBD can function as a substitute for diminished endocannabinoids in the body.

Even small doses of CBD oil can flow into the endocannabinoid system and attach to neurotransmitters. Once the healing remedies begin to correlate with the neurotransmitters, the signals from the central nervous system are reconnected to the peripheral nerves. CBD-infused transmitters can process the signals from the central nervous system in order to communicate to the body that it’s time to minimize or treat the physical pain in the peripheral nerves.

How to treat neuropathy naturally

CBD oil is a natural way to help minimize the symptoms and effects of neuropathic conditions. CBD is available in the form of a variety of products, including CBD oils, CBD capsules, CBD lotions, and CBD cream. There are even CBD Gummies that are easy to make at home, allowing people with inflammatory conditions to treat their symptoms with a delicious treat.

The amount of CBD oil in any consumable product varies. It helps to consult with your primary doctor if you plan to take CBD oil for your condition so that you can treat yourself with a medically recommended dosage.

CBD doses can be as low as 5 mg, but some people ingest as many as 100 mg of CBD oil per day. The effects of the oil can be felt in as little as 20 minutes, depending on the size of the dosage you take. Again, speak with your primary physician about CBD and ask for a recommended dosage to treat your underlying physical symptoms.


Neuropathic disorders can cause some of the most painful physical ailments within the human body. Treatment is the only way to relieve the pain caused by the symptoms of these conditions. If you choose not to treat the condition, your quality of life will be greatly diminished due to the chronic pain that follows you everywhere.

You should consider using CBD oil for neuropathy if you want a natural remedy to help minimize the effects of your condition. CBD has been known to help people with many physical – and mental – disorders lessen feelings of pain and live more satisfying lives. Speak to your doctor if you have neuropathy symptoms and ask about CBD oil. It could be your healthiest treatment of choice.