CBD Oil for Dogs: What Dog Problems can CBD Oil help with?

CBD oil for dogs

CBD Oil for Dogs: What Dog Problems can CBD Oil help with?

CBD is short for “cannabidiol,” a naturally occurring compound found in the flowers of the cannabis plant. This compound, and others like it, are called phytocannabinoids, or cannabinoids for short.

What is CBD Oil for Dogs?

Caring for your four-legged friend is a lifelong commitment. Through sickness and health, your furry companion stays by your side. So when they experience ill health or stress, we want to help. CBD oil for dogs can support and prompt long-term health in your dog. It can help maintain their physical and mental wellbeing. And it can reduce hyperactivity and promote calm.

Is CBD Oil Safe for Dogs?

CBD oil for dogs is perfectly safe – as long as it’s derived from the hemp variety of the cannabis plant. The reason for hemp’s general tolerance is that it has high percentages of CBD but only 0.3% or less THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) in it.

THC is another chemical compound in cannabis plants. It is toxic to dogs and has psychoactive effects on people. THC is found in high quantities in the marijuana strain of the cannabis plant. The tiny amount of THC in the hemp will not affect your dog or you. CBD oil will not get your dog “high.”

How Does CBD Oil Affect Dogs?

Except for insects, all animal species (humans, canines, and felines included) have an endocannabinoid system. This system is a regulatory system of the body and plays a crucial role in managing vital physiological processes.

This includes hormones, immune responses, pain and inflammation responses, sleep patterns, appetite, emotional balance, and much more.

When cannabinoids like CBD enter the body, they interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). They interact indirectly with CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors throughout the body to bring homeostasis (balance and optimal function). In cells with immune functions, these receptors are in the central nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract, and the central nervous system.

Because of these receptors’ vast locations, CBD has a remarkable ability to support the body in many different ways.

What Dog Problems can CBD Oil help with?

Research centers have performed trials to determine how CBD oil for dogs may help or reduce the following health conditions. 

  • Arthritis – Osteoarthritis leaves your pet’s joints inflamed and in pain. CBD oil may act as an anti-inflammatory, and some owners have even found that they could reduce their pet’s NSAID dose, thereby lessening NSAIDs’ adverse effects. 
  • Cancer – CBD may protect the body against free radical damage which causes cancer. Research is ongoing for canines, but in humans, it’s been found that CBD may “induce cell death, inhibit cell migration and invasion in vitro, decrease tumor size,” and more. 
  • Seizures – Studies have shown that CBD reduces seizures in humans and may do the same in dogs.
  • Anxiety – Studies have shown that cannabidiol may regulate anxiety disorders in both humans and companion pets. 
  • Hyper Dogs – CBD may reduce hyperactivity and promote relaxation in dogs. 
  • Allergies – CBD may soothe skin-related issues associated with seasonal allergies. With CBD topical creams or oils, CBD may help maintain the normal moisture content of the skin.

Discuss with your vet if your dog is on any chronic medication. Although you may find that since research for CBD is ongoing, your vet may not give you an outright yay or nay!